Industry Leading Networks

We're here to provide new solutions to existing web scraping
and data collection problems.


Our residential proxy network is partnered with top internet providers. This allows us to provide the quickest and most reliable scraping solutions.

1M+ contributing network peers
Partnered with global internet providers
Cutting edge modern technology


Security is a priority of Crawlytics. We have infrastructure located all over the world in the top data center facilities; guaranteeing data security and reliability.

Modern security protocols
Located in trusted data centers
Constant network monitoring to prevent intruders
Residential Proxies

Scraping using real global devices without IP blocking.

Datacenter Proxies

Fast and efficient data scraping solution from a hosted infrastructure.

Coming soon

Collect search time data from popular search engines.


Uncover valuable business insights with our custom datasets.


Tailored proxy solutions for any business

We provide custom and unique proxy network solutions for your business goals. Using our residential proxies you can reach your data driven goals.

Expanding residential proxy network
Customized proxy products for any task

A proxy network for your needs

Fast Speeds

Reach impressive speeds with our DNS technology and network connectivity partners like AT&T.

Advanced Security

Crawlytics has servers located globally in trusted data centers, ensuring data is safely guarded.

Unlimited Connections

Achieve unlimited concurrent connections for no limits when collecting data.

24/7 Expert Support

Crawlytics support is available at all times. Reach out to us with any questions or inquiries.

Expanding Network

Our residential network is constantly expanding through new partnerships and contributing peers.

Unparalleled Scraping

The Crawlytics proxy network allows you to avoid content restrictions and web limits.

proxy network

Unleash the power of scalability

With a constantly expanding proxy network, rest assured that your data collection solution stays working.


Growing network of proxy peers

Cost Efficiency

Pay only for the resources you use
Are you ready?
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